The following are some samples of my work as a Developer and Engineer.
[Drupal 7] Practice Assignment

Completed: March, 2016
Practice assignment - writing a custom module for Drupal 7 that parses header information from Worpress sites. Custom code showcases my knowledge of how to use entity metadata wrappers and several hooks: hook_menu(), hook_form_alter(), and hook_node_view().
Platform(s)/Language(s): Drupal 7, PHP[Static html site] Added PHP-based webform with ReCAPTCHA Protection
Completed: January, 2016
Added web form capabilities to a client's existing static HTML site.
- Form is protected by ReCAPTCHA
- Relays POST data to CGI Email for processing
- Supports email confirmation & notifications
[Drupal 7 DevOps] Acquia Cloud Hooks

Completed: December, 2015
Cloud Hooks is a feature of Acquia Cloud, the Drupal cloud hosting platform. For more information, see here.
The Acquia Cloud Workflow page automates the most common tasks involved in developing a Drupal site: deploying code from a version control system, and migrating code, databases, and files across your Development, Staging, and Production environments. Cloud Hooks allow you to automate other tasks as part of these migrations.
Platform(s)/Language(s): Bash, Drupal 7[Drupal 7] Marketing Landing Page
Completed: October, 2015
Quickly built and themed a specialized landing page for a marketing campaign
- Worked closely with contracted designer to reproduce wireframe rendering
- Themed page using gulp & bower
- Extensive use of mini panels and views to control content layout
- Responsive optimized
[Drupal 7 Commerce] Webform2Sugar module customizations

Completed: May, 2015
Customizations to the Drupal contrib module Webform2Sugar, a tool for sending webform submissions to Sugar CRM as leads.
- Added some additional admin settings unique to our client's specific SugarCRM configuration.
- Provided a basic understanding of sending POST data to remote databases.
[Drupal 7 Commerce] Custom Module
Completed: March, 2015
Custom hooks written for a Drupal 7 based commerce site.
- Adds extra customizations for the checkout process, such as disabling the 'back' button on Checkout pages and adjusting the login form options.
- Converts the Add To Cart Form quantity widget from a text field to a drop-down list.