This is a landing page for my pet projects.
Pet Projects Wiki

A MediaWiki instance for creating and managing shareable content.
Platform(s)/Language(s): PHP, MySQL, NginxDockerized Drupal Project

A configurable Docker and Composer-enabled Drupal development environment.
This project is roughly a fork of the project Expresso PHP, sponsored by Promet Source.
This project provides a Docker-based framework for creating & configuring a Drupal site.
Platform(s)/Language(s): Docker, BashExel Digital Provisioner

This project is a collection of scripts that I use for provisioning LAMP and LEMP based Vagrant boxes, and also cloud servers, that are tuned for running Drupal, Magento, and Wordpress sites. Additional custom configuration is added to these pre-provisioned Vagrant boxes on a case-by-cases basis using Chef-based cookbooks.
The Vagrant boxes are available for public consumption on Atlas by Hasicorp!
Platform(s)/Language(s): Vagrant, BashCustom CTA Kiosk
A hacked and customized CTA Kiosk for home use. Just like the ones on the train platforms!
Platform(s)/Language(s): HTML, JavaScript